We can assist with many of your web development or web marketing needs. We specialize in WordPress development projects but can perform custom web and portal development in other languages as well to best suite your needs. PHP is the preferred web language for your next project, we love Linux servers the best. Our SEO web developers code on internet projects ranging from small web sites to large web-based apps. We can also provide graphic design of themes, ongoing monthly updates and/or consulting services for your next website development project.

We have helped numerous clients since 1999 in bringing creative marketing strategies and full scale web sites plus our own few national brands over the years as One of a Kind Internet by Stephen Stankiewicz. Stephen utilized freelancing sites using Rentacoder.com now Freelancer.com to generate business in which bringing his account profile up to being ranked in the Top 1% coders out of 375,000+ others. Recently he was part of the Nibbler Silktide Web Coder Skills Challenge Ratings ranking in the Top 10 in US. Additionally, he worked for a few large Internet marketing SEO firms coding on Fortune 500 sites to deepen his skills while holding 7 different full time web marketing and development jobs over a 12 year period. Read about some projects Steve was involved in that weren’t under non-disclosure like the Search Engine he built and ran from 2001 to 2007 or his run with his 20,000 product auto part ecom store online for about 4 years. It started in 1996 when Steve got a WebTV learning what HTML is and web coding was about.